14 Vinnicombe Dr, Canning Vale WA 6155

Concrete Covers & Bases

We have a huge range of concrete covers and bases for every application. From a standard home soakwell to industrial, grated traffic soakwells, we make sure the quality and sturdiness is the number 1 performance indicator when we assess the integrity of each product. Our covers and bases are manufactured to government compliant standards. They are built with the utmost care and attention to make sure they serve their heavy duty purpose.

There is nothing more critical to the integrity of a soakwell in your drainage system than its base or cover. These must be as strong and durable as the soakwell itself to ensure the whole unit is functional and will stand up to the test of time!

Standard 50mm

50mm Concrete Cover Perth
Available in:

700 x 50
1020 x 50
1200 x 50
1500 x 50


Traffic 100mm

Traffic 100mm Concrete Cover Perth

Available in:

700 x 100
1020 x 100
1200 x 100
1500 x 100


Grated/Traffic 150mm

Grated/Traffic 150mm Concrete Cover Perth
Available in:

700 x 150
1020 x 150
1200 x 150
1500 x 150


Raised/Grated/Traffic 150mm

Raised/Grated/Traffic 150mm Concrete Cover Perth
Available in:

700 x 150
1020 x 150
1200 x 150
1500 x 150


Base with Weephole 100mm

Concrete Base with Weephole 100mm Perth
Available in:

700 x 100
1020 x 100
1200 x 100
1500 x 100