14 Vinnicombe Dr, Canning Vale WA 6155

Top 10 Backyard Fire Pit Ideas

Top 10 Backyard Fire Pit Ideas

Top 10 Backyard Fire Pit Ideas

So on one chilly evening, you’ve gathered with your friends or family, you know what would light everyone’s mood up. Something to gather around and warm up, sip some drinks, roast some hot dogs or marshmallows, and make some s’mores.

What does all that call for?

A fire pit.

A good blaze will add some elemental excitement to your backyard while also being a good centerpiece. Here are some interesting fire pit ideas that you can try adding to your yard. Some comfy, stylish, and cozy fire pit ideas to brighten your cold nights.

Let’s get started.

1. Koi Pond Fire Pit

Koi Pond Fire Pit

Do you have a pond lying around that you don’t want to keep anymore? Do wild animals keep gobbling up your fish? Then why not transform it into a fire pit.

Ponds are usually lined with non-combustible rocks. Still, make sure the pond has stone or concrete lining, not PVC, EPDM, or other flammable pond liners.

The process is pretty simple. Just add a layer of sand, a covering of rocks, and some firewood in the middle – and you’re ready to throw a party.

2. Repurposed Washing Machine Drum Fire Pit

Repurposed Washing Machine Drum Fire Pit

Have an old washing machine or a washing machine drum around the house? Well, with a few tweaks, you can easily turn it into an inventive little fire pit.

Stainless steel holds up well against heat. The holes allow oxygen to pass through for the fire to stay lit.

You have to use an angle grinder to get rid of the centerpiece and the agitator – to make space for the firewood. Remove the plastic and rubber bits too.

These little hassles will feel worth it when you see the tiny twinkling dots of light in the dark.

3. Bowl of Fire

Bowl of Fire

It’s pretty obvious from the name. This weather-resistant concrete has a sleek and modern look – while also being portable but sturdy.

It takes a bit of care and preparation to make, but you can make it in under a few hours. It’ll cost less than $50 USD worth of materials to make, with just concrete and an old bowl.

With this easy backyard fire solution that takes zero time to start or snuff out – you can start the party at a moment’s notice.

4. Cowboy Cauldron Fire Pit

Cowboy Cauldron Fire Pit

The cowboy Cauldron Co. has some of the coolest fire pits in the market.

Just imagine one of these in your yard. Pretty cool/hot.

Though these are on the more expensive side of the list, so unless you regularly host large parties – this one might not be for you.

5. Wheelbarrow Fire Pit

Wheelbarrow Fire Pit

If the rustic country aesthetic is what you fancy or a farmhouse look – then an old metal wheelbarrow pit will fit into your yard.

A worn-out steel wheelbarrow past its prime has finally found its moment to ‘shine.’

Just make sure it doesn’t have any major cracks or significant rust. Also, remove any plastic, rubber, or wooden parts.

Center the wheelbarrow on a stone or brick foundation to protect your lawn and keep your fire pit safe.

6. Zen Tabletop Mini Fire Pit

Zen Tabletop Mini Fire Pit

Fire pits don’t always have to look rustic and concrete. Here’s a more modern-looking one – This subtle but luxurious-looking tabletop mini will make you feel like you’re in some sort of modern art museum.

You can easily create this fire pit at home – with a base, a few pebbles, and a glass cover.

Karen at The Art of Doing Stuff blog has a guide for making one under $25 USD.

Just glue sheets of glass together with marine silicone, then place the four-sided glass structure into a rectangular metal planter. Place a grate on the bottom for gel canisters to fuel the flames.

7. Beer Keg Fire Pit

Beer Keg Fire Pit

The thought of recycling a beer keg into a fire pit doesn’t sound the most aesthetically pleasing, I know. But the challenge of making one sounds pretty cool.

Depending on your skills and how much time you want to invest in this project. If you can use an angle grinder, a circular saw, a welder, and a drill – you can get down the steel receptacles and add vent holes.

Do you feel up to the challenge?

8. Low-Slung Lounging Fire Pit

Low-Slung Lounging Fire Pit

A pair of modern sofas and a pit that’s precise to the length of the sofas.

This simple-looking easygoing fire pit is perfect for informal gatherings.

Pretty neat, no?

9. Tire Rim Tower Fire Pit

Tire Rim Tower Fire Pit

As long as you can get your hand on two old truck or car tire rims of the same size, you can make an industrial-looking fire pit.

You also won’t have to weld the two edges together – just stacking them on top of each other is enough.

Bring out the angle grinder again. You have to cut out symmetrical squares or rectangles from each rim – then you’ll have an opening big enough to add firewood as needed.

If you want more of an open fire option, you can use only one tire rim and stack rocks and bricks around it. Tractor tire rims are huge, so they are a great option for a large fire pit.

10. Grocery Cart Fire Pit

Grocery Cart Fire Pit

We’ll close the list with a funny one.

It’s a quirky portable option that’ll get a few laughs out of the guests.

You can even keep a pile of wood underneath.

Go to a store and negotiate with the owner – and if you’re lucky, they might give you a cart for free.

With some little modifications like adding a spark screen and a base to catch the embers – you’re set.

Closing Thought

So what do you think?

Did any of these ideas strike a chord in your heart?

Do you feel like having a nice blaze in your yard the next time winter comes around?

A nice cozy source of warmth for your family, friends, or guests awaits.