14 Vinnicombe Dr, Canning Vale WA 6155

Why Concrete Soakwells Are Important And Their Best Practices

Why Concrete Soakwells Are Important And Their Best Practices

Soakwells are an essential element for rain-prone areas. In places that have frequent downpours, homeowners insist on installing soakwells. These protect your home from floods, erosion, termites, and damp walls. They also assure the building’s structural integrity. Apart from all of that – in a lot of places – it’s also a legal requirement to manage your home’s rainwater.

And if you can’t manage your rainwater, you’ll end up with a flooded house and a massive repair bill on your hand. So, installing a soakwell and choosing the right one is crucial. You can find soakwells made out of different materials like plastic, polypropylene, and concrete. Concrete soakwells are a great option over their plastic counterparts because of their outstanding durability, resistance to clogging, and longevity.

Let’s look at why concrete soakwells are important.

Why Are Soakwells Important?

A soakwells’ purpose is to prevent damage caused by rainstorms and excessive rainwater. A heavy rainstorm can cause severe damage to the soil and your building’s structure. But a soakwell drains the rainwater through its downpipes and lets it gently flow down the soil. Thus preventing damage.

Let’s take a look at a few other reasons why soakwells are important-

It Prevents Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is a common problem in places where it rains frequently. A heavy rainstorm can wash away the good layer of the soil, resulting in soil erosion. And it’s near-impossible to stop or reverse the process. The best way to tackle it is by taking preventive measures.

And a soakwell does exactly that. It drains the water and stores it in the tank preventing overflow in your house and yards. As a result, the soil doesn’t erode.

Protects The House

Installing a soakwell on your house can save both your house and your wallet. Heavy downpours can cause water to accumulate near the foundation of your house. The water buildup can significantly damage the structure of your home – causing leaks, cracks, or worse, floods.

A soakwell can prevent all of that. It will drain the massive amount of water through its downpipes and prevent water from accumulating on the foundation.

Protects Pavements

Continuous rainstorms damage the pavements near your house. The excessive rainwater eventually cracks and sags down the pavement making it unusable. Soakwells prevent damage to the pavements by managing the excess rainwater and keeping the road around your home safe and beautiful.

Protects The Environment

Soakwells help prevents floods. Which keeps the rivers, lakes, and other waterways clean. The proper drainage of the rainwater keeps the environment healthy for plants and animals. The stored water can even be recycled and reused rather than getting wasted.

So, installing a soakwell is an environmentally friendly way of sustaining water.

Why Concrete Soakwells Are Better?

Soakwells are made from various kinds of materials. Some of the most commonly used ones are plastic, polypropylene, and concrete. Many people use plastic soakwells for their affordability, but they’re very frail and don’t last long. Concrete, on the other hand, is a solid choice. Its durability, longevity, and minimum maintenance make it the perfect material for a soakwell.

Let’s see why concrete soakwells are better:


Concrete is known for its incredible durability. A concrete soakwell will outlast any of its plastic or polypropylene counterparts. It can withstand a lot more pressure and strain caused by the soil shifting due to heavy downpours or storms. If you live in a place where you experience frequent storms then a concrete soakwell should be on the top of your list. Although it’s a bit more expensive compared to the other two, it’s well worth the investment.

Clog Resistant

Concrete soakwells have wider openings compared to plastic ones. Which allows the rainwater to enter the tank more freely. Its steeply sloped design also helps the water fall more freely. This helps prevent any clogging due to fallen leaves, loose debris, and litter. Everything gets washed down through those massive downpipes.

If your home is surrounded by trees then concrete soak walls are a no-brainer for you.

Higher Capacity

High-capacity soakwells are a must-have if you can’t connect to your local sewer system. Smaller soakwells need to be emptied and maintained more frequently. And the maintenance cost can add up rather quickly. If you don’t empty the soakwell regularly, you’ll end up flooding your home.

Concrete soakwells can have a far larger capacity for holding water compared to plastic ones due to their high-pressure resistance and durability. With a high-capacity concrete soakwell, you’ll have to maintain it less. Saving hundreds of dollars in the process.

Good For High Traffic Areas

Concrete soakwells have incredible strength and pressure resistance, enough to even withstand the weight of cars or other heavy objects. Meaning you can install it beneath driveways or high traffic areas without damaging it.

If you don’t have enough underground space on your property then a concrete soakwall offers a lot more options for installations. You can be a lot more flexible with the locations. This makes them a default choice for small urban locations or houses that don’t have a lot of space.

Best Practices Of Concrete Soakwells

Installing a soakwell is essential for sites that lack a proper foundation. To protect the structure of the building – installing a soakwell is a must. But to get the best results, you need to follow a few practices and avoid mistakes.

Let’s look at those practices:

Install It Far Away From Home

Soakwells trap a lot of water for extended periods. Which can weaken the foundation of your house. So, you need to install it far from your home. The distance between your house and the soakwell depends on the size and capacity of the soakwell. But in general, you need to keep it 1.5-1.8 meters away from your house. Bigger soakwells need to be placed further away from the house.

Install It At A Slab Stage

Installing the soakwell in the building stage makes things a lot less complicated. Many homeowners recommend their clients install a soakwell after the house is complete. But as the building stage nears the end and gas, water, and sewer lines are added, it gets tenfold more complicated to install a soakwell. It gets far more expensive and dangerous. That’s why installing it in the building stage is the best move.

Decide Soakwell Size Based On Ground Condition

This is one of the most important factors in deciding on a soakwell. A site with mainly sand soil is best for a soakwell. Because water can pass through it easily. But a rocky, grave ground is less efficient for installing a soakwell.

Closing Thoughts

Choosing the right soakwell is essential for protecting your home and preventing floods. So, despite the extra cost, concrete soakwells are necessary and more effective than plastic ones. The number of advantages it has over its counterparts makes it well worth the hassle.